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IPSDI Burundi



Burundi is a small landlocked country (27,830 straddles Central and East Africa, It is landlocked, bordering just in south of Rwanda that shares a border with Tanzania to the East and south and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west ,which is one of the free poorest countries in the world. It is the second most densely populated country in Africa with11.18 million people- 470 inhabitants/sq. km (2018). Burundi ranks 183/186 countries in terms of the Human Development Index. Nearly 64.9% of the populations live below the poverty line. Poverty is overwhelmingly rural and most of the country’s poor are small-scale farmers. Burundi economy is heavily reliant on agriculture which employs 90% of the population, though cultivable land is extremely scarce.

The vision of IPSDI-Burundi

A society in which everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their rights and fulfill their responsibilities for sustainable development based on the following pillars: (i) Sustainable development must be economically efficient, socially equitable, and ecologically tolerant and (ii) The social must be a goal, the economy a means and the environment a condition.

The mission of IPSDI-Burundi

Acting together with vulnerable communities to find out a lasting solution of their problems. In addition, IPSDI directs and coordinates the efforts and opportunities of vulnerable communities towards sustainable development.

IPSDI-Burundi value

Communities themselves are the main actors in social change and their sustainable development. Through the capacity building and effectiveness of collective action, communities are able to forge and positively transform their future.

People we serve

Vulnerable communities including, IDPs, Returns, Orphans, widowers, Children living with disabilities and hosted communities.


IPSDI Burundi is a national charity organization founded in 2011 and registered by the Ministry of Home Affairs under N°.503/801. Within more than 8 years of assisting the most deprived people in community, It an emerging organization and its action is aiming to promote social well-being and fight the causes of poverty. Its main approach is community-driven development based on grassroots participatory planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of interventions.

Through this approach, community based associations and cooperatives are mentored and coached in poor market development, livelihoods recovery and health improvement. Vulnerable Children are assisted with School Materials, Health Care Cards and Hygiene and Sanitation Kits. Populations are sensitized on climate change, resiliency and application of community contingency plans as well. Vulnerable people including women and children are impacted by our actions.

Our Theory of change is based on

  • Placing vulnerable people at the center of activities and making them actors in their own change.
  • Strengthening the autonomy, capacities and know-how of the most vulnerable communities and people.
  • Focusing on forgotten or neglected causes.
  • Fostering support for local actors for sustainable change.
  • Out of the box and promoting innovation.
  • Promoting holistic approaches.pik
  • Contributing to having a systemic effect, that is to say, likely to modify the causes of the problems addressed and not only their damage.
  • Helping to have a lasting impact.

IPSDI-Burundi Efficiency and results

IPSDI Burundi is consistently awarded top marks by charity watchdog groups for its efficient use of donor contributions and the effectiveness of its works.

IPSDI-Burundi Finance

IPSDI Burundi is a tax-exempt organization. All donations to it are tax-deductible. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters in 2018.


  • Finance Statements
  • Annual reports
  • Audits


  • Ministère de la santé Publique et de la lutte contre le Sida au Burundi,
  • Ministère de l’Education
  • Ambassade de la République Fédérale de l’Allemagne,
  • Ambassade des Etats Unis au Burundi ;
  • Agence Burundaise de l’hydraulique et de l’Assainissement en milieu rural (AHAMR);
  • Global Funds for Children ( GFC);
  • United Nations for Women’s Guild of Vienna (UNGW);
  • Korea Han Assurance Company Ltd;
  • Korea hope foundation (KHF) ;
  • Ambassade de France au Burundi;
  • UNICEF ;
  • Uk-Ockenden International Organization ;
  • Choi Jung Sook Memorial Society;
  • Korea Jeju Land Self-Government;
  • Women World Wire Website (W4);
  • WomenEcomicImparative (WEI)

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